How to Recognize Weak Enamel

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Have you heard that your enamel—which is the protective outer layer of your teeth—is actually the hardest substance in your body? Even though your enamel is extremely strong, it can still be damaged. Fortunately, there are a few signs you can look for, and a number of things you could do to keep your enamel healthy and strong.

The first sign you can watch for is yellowing teeth. You see, once your enamel is stripped away, your dentin—which is the soft layer beneath your enamel—becomes exposed. Fortunately, you can usually prevent this issue by caring for your teeth well, which includes brushing and flossing regularly.

Similarly, you can watch for teeth that look transparent. If you notice this issue, your enamel could have developed improperly. This can be a genetic issue, typically indicating weak or thin enamel. Unfortunately, either of these issues can be fairly serious. If you notice these problem, please visit our team for personalized advice.

Finally, please remember to look for rounded teeth and cracks in your smile. You see, rounded teeth are actually a sign of enamel erosion, and cracked teeth can be an indicator of advanced erosion. If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to contact John S. Grisham, DDS at 603-444-2100. Dr. John S. Grisham and our team are eager to hear from you.
