Oral care is necessary for proper oral health. By getting your teeth cleaned and checked regularly, you can avoid serious problems that can lead to costly and damaging effects. If you suffer from any broken teeth, tooth sensitivity, swelling or tenderness in your gums, damaged teeth, tooth pain, or chewing pain, you may need immediate care from your dentist. As... read more »
There are many things that can influence the luster of your smile. In fact, even something as innocent and unstoppable as aging can dull your teeth. Other factors, like some foods, a few beverages, particular medications, and overexposure to fluoride can do the same. Generally, these problems can be overcome by something as simple as professional whitening. However, if one... read more »
Your teeth, just like any other part of your body, are special and unique to you. When it comes to your toothpaste, you should always find toothpaste that will work well with your unique teeth. Today our team is going to give you the details on three toothpastes and why one might be what your teeth are looking for. Fluoride... read more »
Do you visit your dentist regularly? Do you floss every day? Do you make a point of brushing after meals, morning, and night? Do you even brush for two minutes at a time? If you do, congratulations. But did you know that there is something else you can—and should—do to keep your smile healthy? To ensure that you have sound... read more »
The inside of your tooth holds a soft pulp tissue which contains the nerve of the tooth. This is surrounded by a material called dentin, which is further surrounded by cementum at the tooth root and enamel at the crown. When the dentin is exposed, the tooth becomes sensitive. Here are a few ways sensitive teeth develop. Enamel Loss Enamel... read more »