Do you suffer from bad breath? Are you self-conscious that others will notice? Don’t let your struggles have a negative impact on your social life. There are many causes of bad breath, as well as many solutions. Common Causes: Dry Mouth – Does your mouth feel dry and sticky? You may not be producing enough saliva. Saliva works full-time to... read more »
A crown fitted by John S. Grisham, DDS is intended to be durable and to last for a long time. However, there are things like a blow to the face, a hard fall or chronic disease problems that can affect the cement anchoring one of your crowns to its abutment. If a crown does come loose, you should call John... read more »
When you think about the problems that could be caused by smoking or chewing tobacco, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Did you think about what smoking can do to your oral health? If so, you aren’t alone. Your dental health is a concern, but what about your oral health? One of the first things you should... read more »
Saliva is necessary to a healthy mouth, as it neutralizes acids produced by bacteria and limits bacterial growth. It also washes away food particles and helps you to swallow your meal. In addition to enhancing your ability to taste, it also helps your digestion. But if you have been experiencing difficulty chewing, talking, or swallowing, along with a change in taste... read more »
What is gum disease, or gum recession? Gum disease happens when gum tissue surrounding the teeth pull back from the tooth, exposing either the tooth or the tooth roots. When this happens, gaps form between the teeth and the gum line, allowing bacteria accumulate. This bacterial film can harden into tartar causing long-term problems including tooth loss. So why does... read more »
There are many things we should be thankful for during this modern age, including our toothpastes. Why should we be so thankful for the toothpastes we use today? Well, check out what people used to use for toothpaste throughout history. —5,000 B.C.: The ancient Egyptians invented some of the first toothpastes, but these were powders made from ox-hoof ashes, crushed... read more »
Two of the most common diseases today can be helped (or hindered) by what you eat. Tooth decay and periodontitis, or gum disease, develop from acid created by oral bacteria destroying the hard tissues of the mouth. Your immune system also plays a part as people with a low immune system are more at risk for periodontal disease. Any kinds... read more »
The American Dental Associations strongly recommends visiting the dentist twice a year for your regular dental checkup and cleaning. This simple appointment is one of the biggest factors for maintaining good oral health. The first half of your appointment usually consists of a basic clean up. During this cleaning your hygienist will use several different tools to remove plaque and... read more »
Bad breath is something we have all experienced. However, persistent bad breath may be hard to cure if you do not know the causes. There are many things that can cause bad breath. However, the best way to find relief is though your dentist. Your dentist can discover the cause and begin the best form of treatment. However, here are... read more »
Of you lose a tooth, what would you do? Fortunately, your dentist can present you with several treatment options, including a bridge, dentures, or an implant. But, did you know that some patients aren’t a good choice for an implant simply because of their age? In fact, at some ages, a dental implant could actually cause problems with your smile.... read more »